Sump Inspection
Planys conducted underwater inspection of a cold well tank & water basin at a steel plant. The inspection aimed at monitoring the health conditions of the structures and to identify defects or anomalies which poise threat to plant operations. Since commissioning the tank, this was the first inspection that was conducted without taking shutdown (in online conditions with pumps running).
Scope of Work: The scope of work included visual inspection of 5 sections of the tank of total 100m by 50m and 8 metres deep. The inspection aimed to identify locations of structural defects, debris at the bottom and overall assess the health conditions.
Planys Solution: The inspection was performed using Planys’ ROV Mike in online conditions (with pumps running) equipped with high resolution camera, turbid water module, altimeter and depth sensor.
- ROV Mike was deployed through the manhole and found over 25+ anomalies comprising of cavity, cracks, & debris and categorised by severity (major/moderate/minor).
- A lot of construction debris (rebar, ladders, discarded cans) were found at the base that could choke the pumps and create downtimes for the client.
- All anomalies/defects were plotted against geo-tagged CAD drawing of every section on the Planys Analytics Dashboard (PAD) with localised click-to-view video feature.
Images show deployment & setup of the ROV system and defects captured during inspection
Images show defects and debris captured during inspection with Planys ROV